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Alfieri N, Manodoro S, Marconi AM. COVID-19 does not stop obstetrics: what we need to change to go on safely birthing. The experience of a University Obstetrics and Gynecology Department in Milan [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jul 7]. J Perinat Med. 2020;/j/jpme.ahead-of-print/jpm-2020-0218/jpm-2020-0218.xml. doi:10.1515/jpm-2020-0218

Since SARS-COV-2 appeared in Wuhan City, China and rapidly spread throughout Europe, a real revolution occurred in the daily routine and in the organization of the entire health system. While non-urgent clinical services have been reduced as far as possible, all kind of specialists turned into COVID-19 specialists. Obstetric assistance cannot be suspended and, at the same time, safety must be guaranteed. In addition, as COVID-19 positive pregnant patients require additional care, some of the clinical habits need to be changed to face emerging needs for a vulnerable but unstoppable kind of patients. We report the management set up in an Obstetrics and Gynecology Unit during the COVID-19 era in a University Hospital in Milan, Italy.

Iscrizioni, diventa socio o rinnova la quota SIN

La SIN è una società, non a fini di lucro, che persegue e allarga gli scopi ed obiettivi del Gruppo di Lavoro di Neonatologia della Società Italiana di Pediatria (SIP).